What is a Chassis Cab Truck?

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Cab chassis trucks might seem perplexing at first, but when you think about the phrase cab chassis, it breaks down the meaning. Cab chassis trucks are equipped with both a cab for passengers and a chassis behind it instead of a traditional truck bed. What’s more, usually, cab chassis trucks are found in the heavy-duty (HD) truck class of commercial vehicles rather than light-duty passenger pickups. This means they’re most often used as commercial vehicles in Forest Lake. Learn more about our commercial trucks and chassis cab trucks for sale at Minnesota Truck Headquarters of Forest Lake today and don’t hesitate to contact us with questions.

What Are Cab Chassis Trucks Used For?

Cab chassis trucks, along with other commercial vehicles, are most often used in these industries:

  • Medical
  • Construction
  • Waste Management
  • Landscaping
  • Agriculture
  • Forestry
  • Electrical

What Good is a Chassis Cab?

Chassis cabs offer flexibility first and foremost. They let you upfit your truck to fit your unique business needs. Whether you need a dump truck for on-the-job hauling or a crane upfit for utility repairs, a cab chassis truck can give you what you need to get the job done in Forest Lake or beyond. Here are some possible chassis cab configurations:

  • Ambulance: Cab chassis trucks can be upfitted with an ambulance box for use in the medical field, giving them tremendous value to society.
  • Recreational Vehicle: Cab chassis trucks can be equipped with a recreational vehicle box, making them useful all around St. Paul and Wyoming, or wherever you want to travel!
  • Crane Upfit: Upfit your chassis cab truck with a crane upfit and you can use it for utility repairs or other commercial or construction purposes.
  • Dump Truck: Dump trucks are widely used in the contracting and construction industries, and they usually start off as a chassis cab truck.
  • Flatbed: Used for hauling purposes, flatbeds offer supreme versatility, and they most often start off as chassis cab trucks!

These are just some of the chassis cab upfit options. The possibilities, in all honesty, are endless! Call 612-451-4400 today to learn more or find the perfect HD cab chassis truck for sale near Minneapolis.

Find & Finance Your Cab Chassis Truck with Minnesota Truck Headquarters of Forest Lake

Ready to find & finance the perfect chassis cab HD truck for your Blaine area business needs? Here at Minnesota Truck Headquarters of Forest Lake in Forest Lake, we’re here to help. Check out our new cab chassis inventory today to find the right fit, then explore our used vehicle specials and apply for financing.

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Minnesota Truck Headquarters of Forest Lake 45.278256257423315, -93.0073515.